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You can use any letter and/or number in your username and password. Please note that usernames must be all lower-case characters (no capital letters) and contain no spaces or other characters. Email addresses, all lower-case, can often be used as usernames.

Passwords must be at least EIGHT or more characters and have at least ONE number.

You can reset your password here.

Someone may have already registered using the email address at the training site. If this is the case, you can register by entering a placeholder email address with domain “example.com”, e.g: yourname@example.com.

You may try to reset the password by clicking here.

Please click here to leave a message for the support technician.

You may have misspelled your username. If the site does not recognize your username, it will ask you to create a new learner account.

Please note that usernames are always lower-case letters and/or numbers with no spaces.

No. You should log in using your original account information. You can update your account with your new email address after logging in by clicking on your name in the menu and then clicking on Profile.

If you are having difficulty logging in, try resetting your password here.

The most common reason you cannot see your certificate is that you have not completed all the required steps to finish the course. Your certificate will not be issued until you have checked the “I understand and agree” box and submitted your response on the Agreement step of the course.

You will be emailed at the address listed in your profile when the training certificate has been issued.

You may have completed the training using a different account. For example, if you registered originally using an email address you no longer use and today you set up a new account with a different email address than before, your new account will not show your previously completed training.

Courses can be retaken one year after enrolling. Please check with your organization to see if you need to retake a course or enroll in a different one.

Yes, your past certificates will be available on your home page to view.

The course is available for one year from when you purchase.

Yes, your enrollment will last for one year, after which you may purchase the course again and re-take it to get a new certificate.

Our courses are currently available only in English.

Your course should be available to take within 30 minutes of completing your purchase.

If it is not, please click here to leave a message for a support technician.

Your course will be available 24/7 on the website, with limited exceptions.